
Friday, April 17, 2009

California Movie Locations: Nevada Edition

So I'm bending the rules here, but It's been a while since I talked about filming locations. I discovered this one while at work tonight.

Rhyolite, Nevada: Home of --not surprisingly-- quite a few movie scenes, most of them too obscure to mention. Rhyolite's a ghost town east of Death Valley. It's beautifully austere, or vice-versa, and I can see why it's ideal for filmmakers.

I visited Rhyolite last year while traveling to Las Vegas with my Dad, so it's coincidental that it should come up tonight while watching Six-String Samurai. One of the first scenes in 6SS is shot in the old Cook Bank building, which I immediately recognized from my trip. If you've seen the film, it's the bar where "Buddy" meets the Red Elvises and fights the bowling ball gang.

It's all a bit ironic because I hadn't seen 6SS since about 2000, but in the last three weeks I've come across people watching it all over the place. If you haven't seen it, it's worth a watch. It passes the Grantowitz test of apocalyptic fiction.

Rhyolite was also featured in The Island, but as I recall, that didn't pass the Grantowitz test. More Michael Bay landfill fodder, but I might watch it in the store now so I can see the Rhyolite bits.

Also, Cherry 2000 was filmed in Rhyolite which definitely passes the Grantowitz test with honorary Barabarella wasteland babe honors.

Here's Rhyolite in Six-String Samurai:

And here's me and my Dad in the same spot:

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