
Friday, February 26, 2010

The Man Who Knew Too Much - Friday 2/26/10

Actors who took a shot at singing careers... The good. The bad. The ugly. Enjoy!

Alfred Hitchcock Presents Theme

Scarlett Johansson - Falling Down

Juliette & the Licks - You're speaking My language

She and Him - Please Please Please Let Me Go

William Shatner - Common People

Jimmy Fallon - Idiot Boyfriend

30 Seconds to Mars - The Kill

David Hasselhoff - Hooked on a Feeling

Robert Downey Jr. - Broken

Eddie Murphy - Party all the Time

Robert Mitchum - Beauty is only Skin Deep

Boxmasters -She's looking better every minute

Crispin Glover - Clowny Clowny Clown

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you said it was William Shatner, my jaw dropped and my eyes popped out. I thought it was badass "good"!